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Foto del escritorNuno de Oliveira


Actualizado: 5 abr 2023



10-12 Novembre


18:00h – 20:30h

Introduction to Ashtanga, Exploring the Basic Elements



Introduction Primary Series


Mudra/ Bandha and Breath

18:00h – 20:30h

Teacher Training Class/Adjustments



Introduction to 2nd Series Ashtanga Yoga


Filosofía del yoga


Andrew Eppler has been practicing Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga for over 3 decades. Andrew is the director of Ashtanga Yoga Studio, the producer of Mysore Yoga Traditions film and organizer of Mysore Yoga Conference. Andrew teaches internationally and also runs an ongoing online yoga training with the help of the Sanskrit community in Mysore India.

Yoga has been a lifelong journey for Andrew. He has grown up with the practice and witnessed its evolution into world culture first hand. Andrew has spent many years studying the philosophy of the Nathamuni Sampradaya tradition that Sri Krishnamacharya belonged to. With the help and support of senior Sanskrit professors in Mysore Andrew has developed an approach to teaching physical postures that fits the modern paradigm. While staying grounded in traditional ideas about philosophy and the sequences of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, Andrew believes that there is inevitable evolution in yoga practice and uses a "global fusion" of techniques.

He is constantly researching different methods, comparing techniques from yoga communities around the world as he travels, and refining them to create the best approach possible in his own teaching. Andrew sees yoga as an evolutionary process and strives to help each yoga student fall in love with the practice of yoga in a way that allows them to practice for their whole life and create their own evolving, healing practice that can be both a solitary practice and shared with other practitioners in a gracious, respectful way.


Single Clase: 50 £uros

Full workshop: 225 €uros (without the Teacher Training Class)

Full Workshop with Teacher Training Class: 260 €uros



18:00h – 20:30h

Introduction to Ashtanga, Exploring the Basic Elements

The workshop will begin with the fundamental elements of Ashtanga Yoga including breath and bandha. Surya Namaskar, Standing Postures, and Vinyasa technique will be discussed in detail. We will talk about the history of this style of yoga and how it has evolved into Western culture. Andrew sometimes uses magic and illusion to illustrate points about yoga philosophy and the nature of human perception. In his view Yoga is an exploration and cultivation of one’s physical wellbeing, personal awareness, and internal environment which helps us all to replace inappropriate patterns with more appropriate ones. This class is for everyone who has an interest in Ashtanga Yoga regardless of their fitness level or how long they have been practicing.

Andrew will begin his workshop by saying a few words about his approach to the practice. Our first practice will be a lead sequence that will give instructions and ideas to work with in our Mysore sessions for Saturday and Sunday. Working within the traditional framework of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga we will explore techniques for refinement of the practice.

  • Breath and Timing

  • Bandha and its role in asana practice

  • Essence of Vinyasa - Historical Perspective and Practical application

  • Fundamentals of therapeutic work

  • Working around injuries

  • Developing a sustainable, lifelong, pain free and joyful practice

  • Guidelines for communication during adjustment of postures

  • How to avoid injuries



Introduction Primary Series

This will be a led Primary Series class with each breath called out. We will take time to focus on the more challenging postures and explore ideas for how to safely approach them. One goal of this class is to give students more options for how to modify postures. All approaches will be explained in a way that keeps the breath and bandhas stable and uninterrupted. Each of us have different challenges in the practice. The aim of this workshop it to teach the Ashtanga sequences in a way that empowers students in their own sacred, healing, evolving, life long yoga practice.



Mudra/ Bandha and Breath

After asana practice we will move on to more subtle practices. The Bandhas we use in Ashtanga Yoga are derived from Mudra practices. We will explore the subject of Mudra and the specific exercises that correspond to the Bandhas. Mudra is a vast branch of yoga and involves a very diverse set of practices. Through these techniques students can gain a much better understanding of what the bandhas do and the role they play with breath. These practices lay a foundation for Asana and they are essential for practicing Pranayama.

  • Bandhas explained in detail with corresponding Mudra practice.

  • The Heart of the Sun and significance of Pingala Nadi

  • Preparation for Pranayama

  • Importance of Pratyahara

  • Koshas

  • Vayus

  • Chakras

  • Nadis


18:00h – 20:30h

Teacher Training Class/Adjustments

In this class we will explore the art of teaching yoga from several angles. We may well ask ourselves when am I ready to teach yoga? You are ready to teach yoga when it has made enough of an impact and change in your life that other people of their own accord ask you to teach them yoga. How can I become a real yoga teacher? You become a yoga teacher when your students call you their teacher. Teaching yoga is just another stage of learning in many ways. We are all students. Some of us have just been doing it for a longer time and can share useful information.

In this class Andrew will share some of his ideas and insights about teaching. We will discuss issues that all yoga teachers deal with such as how and when to adjust, how to notice universal signs of imbalance in students that make them more risky to adjust, and how to find a balance between being too easy going and being too stern, and how to find your own unique expression in your teaching. We will explore the art of adjusting students in postures and some hands on techniques will be practiced. This class is a summary of the teacher training that Andrew currently leads which can be participated in online as well as in person.



Introduction to 2nd Series Ashtanga Yoga

This will be a gentle tour of 2nd series that is appropriate for everyone. We will discuss how to transition into 2nd series in daily practice and practical ideas for determining when it is appropriate to do so. Intermediate postures can help to create a more balanced practice and take us through the limitations that hold us back in Primary Series. The aim of this class is to demystify the 2nd series and to inspire students to take their practices further.



Filosofía del yoga

In our final session Andrew will speak on Yoga Philosophy. Drawing from years of experience with the Sanskrit Scholars of Mysore, he will express his views on what yoga means and how to define “traditional practice.” We will discuss the relationship between the Bhagavad Gita and Patanjali Sutras and how the timeless teachings of yoga apply to our modern paradigm. There will be plenty of time for questions and answers and sharing of experience after the lecture.

  • Theoretical Foundations of Yoga

  • Fundamental purpose of Yoga Practice

  • Freedom and Personal Evolution

  • Pitfalls along the path

  • Karma Yoga

  • Buddhi Yoga

  • Bhakti Yoga

  • Raja Yoga

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